Green Consulting for Design and Construction

While not everyone seeking our advice is going "green", we bring to all projects our aim to make your building energy efficient and as environmentally sound as possible within your budget.

Our main focus in new green construction is to build it right the first time. The most cost-effective way to achieve energy efficiency in a building is before it is built. The same principles apply, of course, to rehabs and retrofits. For example, insulation that costs 35 cents a square foot to install during construction costs roughly five times as much to install later.

From thought to finish, let us join your building team. We bring fresh ideas to the conceptual stage. We work with your architects and designers, going over the blueprints to introduce efficiencies in the design stage . And we can advise and train contractors and subcontractors on how to implement state-of-the-art construction practices. We continue to inspect work-in-progress, instrument-testing along the way to make sure the building--or rehab--is coming according to plan.

Informed Energy Decisions © 2008